We are constantly working to improve our facilities

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For information regarding the February 13, 2024 ballot measure, please click the image below:

Levy img

The EP&O Resolution for the February 13, 2024 ballot measure, as adopted by the board, please click the image below:


For information about the 2024 Educational Programs And Operations Levy, please see the flyer above or you may view the presentation below:

Levy Info

For information about our Capital Levy passed in February 2022:


STRONG Schools = STRONG Communities
Your tax dollars hard at work! Thank you Tenino voters!

In February 2022, Tenino voters passed our 4-year Capital Projects Replacement Levy with 57.23% of voters voting yes. The purpose of the levy was to improve student safety, technology, and learning environments. We appreciate the continued support of this amazing community and we are proud to show you the progress we have made in our school district by responsibly putting your local tax dollars to work!

Local Tax Dollars at Work
Below are projects completed using our Capital Levy Dollars

Landscape Curbing at Tenino Middle School

Curbing was added around the courtyard at Tenino Middle School. This will help to keep bark contained to the flower beds and has created great curb appeal.

TES & TMS Cafeteria Expansion

The cafeteria that is shared between the elementary and middle school is in the midst of an extensive renovation and expansion. The TMS Art was previously in the area in the photo. The wall was removed creating a large open space that will be much more accessible, spacious and enjoyable for students.

New & Improved Art Studio at Tenino Middle School

With the expansion of the cafeteria, the art room was relocated into the old TMS Wrestling room. It received new flooring, cabinets and paint! There was also the addition of a "Kiln Room" at the back of the building.

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