High Schoolers we need you to be a Big Brother or Big Sister! Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington is looking for mentors to meet with 3rd grade students at TES once per week, on Wednesdays, from 3:00 - 4:00pm. Big Brothers Big Sisters strive to provide a mentor for every child who needs or wants one. Bigs are taught how to be the best mentor for a Little. Once you are matched with a Little, you will engage in a variety of activities from shooting hoops and hanging out to reading a book together. Anyone can be a mentor. It is about starting a consistent friendship and inspiring positive change to empower children to believe they can achieve what they never dreamed possible. Being a Big will be one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things you do, while also being a force of change in our community. See me or Drs. Cavanaugh or Cameron if you are interested in being a mentor for a 3rd grader in coordination with the Big Brothers Big Sisters.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Homecoming Dance Saturday at 8pm to 11pm in the THS commons. Come early for pics at 7pm. Tickets for sale at lunches & @ door. $15 per person.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Washington State 2018 Healthy Youth Survey Our District is participating in the Washington State 2018 Healthy Youth Survey during fall of 2018. The Healthy Youth survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance use, risk and protective factors, access to school-based services, and sexual behaviors, abuse and orientation. Survey results are used by schools, communities and state agencies to plan programs to support our youth and reduce their risks. Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students' answers are anonymous. Please read the Parent and Student Notification Letter for more information about the Healthy Youth Survey at http://5il.co/4uv0.
over 6 years ago, TSD Communications
Get ready for homecoming, next week! Monday: Twin Day Tuesday: Career/College Day Wednesday: Color Wars Thursday: Throwback, Nerd vs. Jocks Friday: Red & Black
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Wear your black!
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Flyer for Friday night football game
Thanks for a great first day! Students did a fantastic job finding their classrooms, parking in the designated lots, and getting ready to learn. Student Information Booklets are coming home for parent review. Please review the guidelines and returned signed half sheet to your first period teacher.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Hello THS Students and Parents, Tomorrow we begin the 2018-19 school year, and we are very excited for the first day! Please allow some extra time in and around the high school for pick-up and drop-off. School begins at 8:25 am and ends at 3 pm. Student schedules will be available at 8 am in the following locations: 9th Grade – Commons 10th Grade – Gymnasium 11th Grade – Library 12th Grade – Music Room A reminder that cell phones are not allowed for use in the classroom, and hats are not allowed to be worn inside the building. See you tomorrow! Dr. Cameron
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Tenino School District and Teachers Reach Contract Agreement--School will start on time.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
First day of school: Students can pick up schedules from 8:10-8:25am. Go to the below locations to pick up your revised schedule. 9th - Commons 10th - Gym 11th - Library 12th - Music Room
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Yearbook sales are up and running! Yearbooks are at the lowest price of the year, the $50 rate will end September 28th, act fast! Follow this link to purchase your Yearbook online http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09104900 or see Mrs. Madrid in her office to buy one. Direct any other questions to Ms. Unsworth at unsworthe@tenino.k12.wa.us
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Preperation for paving at Beaver Stadium has begun!! With this, Stadium Parking is closed through the week. Please plan accordingly. Parking at THS or TMS is advised. #onTenino #goBeavs
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Sign up for Drivers Education!
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Traffic Safety Classes
Summer school days update: Dates: June 26-August 2, 2018 (No summer school check-in opportunities on July 4 and 12) Revision: Summer School will be closed on July 12 only. We’re open on July 10 & 11.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Summer School students MUST check in at THS* once per week for an hour. Most work can be completed off site. Students not making adequate progress will be required to spend additional time at THS.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
The THS office will be closed from July 2 - July 30.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
June 20, 2018 Bell Schedule 1st period:8:25-8:51 2nd period: 8:55-9:21 3rd period: 9:25-9:51 4th period: 9:55-10:21 5th period: 10:25-10:51 6th period: 10:55-11:21 7th period: 11:25-11:50
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Join us to celebrate our THS teachers! Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Skyward/Family Access/WSIPC is back online. We are working hard to get caught up with a weeks worth of paperwork. Thanks for your patience.
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Due to a system outage within WSIPC, (Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative), Skyward is temporarily experiencing a service disruption statewide. This means Skyward Family Access as well as the ability to post to student lunch accounts will be unavailable until the issue can be resolved. WSIPC understands the widespread impact this will have on district operations and has directed all available resources toward resolving the issue as quickly as possible, but the impacts of the outage may last several more days. We will keep you informed as they continue to secure a resolution. Thank you for your patience!
over 6 years ago, Bucky the Beaver
Hi Senior Parents and Guardians! The deadline for purchasing and creating a yearbook senior ad is 2/15! Don't wait! Follow the link below. http://jostensadservice.com/?REF=A09104900 Also! If you have yet to purchase a yearbook, follow the link below! http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09104900
almost 7 years ago, Bucky the Beaver