This is a friendly reminder that there is No School for students this Friday, October 13th. Please contact the school secretary if you have additional questions.
A Healthy Youth Survey will be sent out to all Middle School and all High School TSD families. The students will be asked to participate in the survey during school hours. If you choose to not have your student participate, please contact the school or teacher to opt out. This survey will be available sometime between October 16th and October 27th. Follow the link for more information.
Parade Route for THS Homecoming 2023. See you there!
The Bucoda-Tenino Healthy Action Team (B-THAT) wants to hear your view of youth substance use in our community. Please help us by taking a short, 5 minute survey. We will use the information you give to better serve local youth. The survey is confidential.
English Survey
Spanish Survey
Route #17 will be split between Routes #5 and 16. Route #16 students will be running about 20 minutes late. Route #5 running 5 minutes late. Routes #2 and 13 are combined. Stops on McCorkle, Patsy, & Lorraine are running about 25 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience and late notice. Please call First Student with any questions.
Please expect the possibility of students on Routes #2 & #13 arriving home late this afternoon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work through back to school germs and sickness!!
September is Attendance Awareness month! Please take a look at the Attendance page on our website and read the attached letter from Assistant Superintendent, Amanda Jewell regarding the importance of good attendance. #attendanceawarenessmonth
This is just a friendly reminder that next Wednesday, September 20th is an ACT (Academic Collaboration Time) Day. All students will be dismissed following our early release schedule.
Parkside will dismiss at 11:30am
Tenino Elementary will dismiss at 11:40am
Tenino Middle School will dismiss at 11:45am
Tenino High School will dismiss at 11:50am
Have a great weekend!
Our first day of school for grades 1 - 12 is tomorrow, September 6th! Kindergarten students will have a conference this week and will have a staggered start next week!
For School Hours and Contact Information:
For Transportation Information:
For Information on the Boys & Girls Club at Tenino Elementary:
2023-2024 TSD Calendar
Food Service Information and Menu
Volunteer Information
The 2023-2024 Bus Routes have been posted on our First Student Transportation web page. If you are new to the district and need to set up busing, please make sure you contact First Student!🚍🚍
A letter from Mr. Hyder with Important dates and information!
Office will be closed until August 25th 2023
Last Day Fun!
Important Dates
June 10th- Final Forms Open for fall registration
August 17th- First Day Of Football Practice
August 22nd-First Day Of All Other Fall Sports
August 23rd- "Get Your Stuff Day" more information to come
Summer School Information
If you would like to purchase additional graduation pictures, the link will close on June 19th.
THS Graduation Ceremony
Parents may click on the link below to view and purchase images taken at Graduation.
All images will be mailed directly home to the address parents indicate on the order page.
We're happy to announce that Tenino School District will be providing free sack lunches to students up to the age of 18 this summer!! See the flyer below for additional information!
Seniors, if you earned an athletic letter this year, please stop by the office and pick it up.
No School Monday, June 19th
Pictures of our senior's walking the halls of Parkside, TES, TMS and THS!