over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
Attendance Habits
Parkside is starting their Annual Food Drive on Monday. Please help if you can.
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
Food Drive
Book Fair: Tuesday - Thursday next week.
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
Book Fair is coming next week - Tuesday - Thursday
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
READY for Kindergarten!! Space is limited! Take a look at the flyer for additional information and sign up today!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
Book Fair is coming to Parkside next week.
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
Book Fair Information
Bus Lanes are for Buses ONLY Tenino Schools & First Student reminds parents, for your safety and the safety of students, please do not park in bus lanes or use the bus lanes to drop your students off. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
This is a friendly reminder that there is No School for students this Friday, October 13th. Please contact the school secretary if you have additional questions.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
Kicking off National Principal Appreciation month with Mr. Brock Williams, our amazing principal of Parkside Elementary! Mr. Williams has spent his entire career so far (30 YEARS) in Tenino and we couldn't be more grateful to have him! Thank you for your dedication, knowledge and leadership for all these years!!!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
The Bucoda-Tenino Healthy Action Team (B-THAT) wants to hear your view of youth substance use in our community. Please help us by taking a short, 5 minute survey. We will use the information you give to better serve local youth. The survey is confidential. THANK YOU! English Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/THTEEN2023 Spanish Survey https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/THTESP2023
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
TRANSPORTATION UPDATE FOR FRIDAY, 9/29 Route #17 will be split between Routes #5 and 16. Route #16 students will be running about 20 minutes late. Route #5 running 5 minutes late. Routes #2 and 13 are combined. Stops on McCorkle, Patsy, & Lorraine are running about 25 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience and late notice. Please call First Student with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
Next week is Spirit Week at Parkside.
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
Spirit Week
AFTERNOON TRANSPORTATION UPDATES - - ROUTES #2 & #13 Please expect the possibility of students on Routes #2 & #13 arriving home late this afternoon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work through back to school germs and sickness!!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
September is Attendance Awareness month! Please take a look at the Attendance page on our website https://www.teninosd.org/page/attendance-867300 and read the attached letter from Assistant Superintendent, Amanda Jewell regarding the importance of good attendance. #attendanceawarenessmonth
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
Thank you to DO-SI-DO's Square Dance Club for their generous donation of school supplies. You helped some of our students school year get off to a great start.
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
So proud of our Kindergarten students and their families. They are off to a great start! We are Parkside Proud of YOU!!!!
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
K Writing Name with playdough
K Reading
Thank you to the Parkside PTSA and South Sound Reading Foundation for making our Back-to-School Night a success. We are looking forward to a great year!
over 1 year ago, Parkside Proud
South Sound Reading Foundation
Ice Cream Social
This is just a friendly reminder that next Wednesday, September 20th is an ACT (Academic Collaboration Time) Day. All students will be dismissed following our early release schedule.  Parkside will dismiss at 11:30am Tenino Elementary will dismiss at 11:40am Tenino Middle School will dismiss at 11:45am Tenino High School will dismiss at 11:50am Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
Our first day of school for grades 1 - 12 is tomorrow, September 6th! Kindergarten students will have a conference this week and will have a staggered start next week! For School Hours and Contact Information: https://www.teninosd.org/page/our-schools For Transportation Information: https://www.teninosd.org/page/transportation-first-student For Information on the Boys & Girls Club at Tenino Elementary: https://www.teninosd.org/page/boys-girls-club-tenino 2023-2024 TSD Calendar https://www.teninosd.org/page/tenino-school-district-calendar Food Service Information and Menu https://www.teninosd.org/page/food-services https://www.teninosd.org/dining Volunteer Information https://www.teninosd.org/page/volunteer-opportunities
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
The 2023-2024 Bus Routes have been posted on our First Student Transportation web page. If you are new to the district and need to set up busing, please make sure you contact First Student!🚍🚍 https://www.teninosd.org/page/transportation-first-student
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden